If you haven’t considered a Fresh 48 session, this is me letting you know they are just the best. I may be a bit biased as the labour/delivery and mother/child units was my old home as a nurse, but these sessions capture a moment in time that don’t come around many times in a lifetime. These sessions take place in the first 48 hours of your new baby’s life, which is filled with first feeds, first diaper changes, hospital beds and robes, those stretchy mesh underwear, and those moments of absolute shock and awe of what you just accomplished and how much you are in love with this little being that you just met.
If you are considering one of these sessions they do need to be “booked” in advance. So how this works is reach out to me while you are pregnant, I’ll “book you in” and then when you are in labour text me a heads up and then when baby is here let me know and we’ll find a time in the following 48 hours to make it happen :)